Friends Of Northcote School
FONS - stands for “Friends Of Northcote School”. We are the school PTA.
Our structure is comprised of 3 levels of parents.
The elected officers, Chair, Secretary, Treasurer. These positions are elected at our AGM held in late November every year.
Then we have our committee members, these are a wonderful group of parents who come to meetings, have voting rights & help run our various projects.
The last tier of our structure is the “helpers list” this is an email list of parents on whom we call to do little bits & pieces like picking up the sausages for Family Fun Night, or helping out for half a hour on the bar at the disco.

The current elected officers are;
Position | Name |
Chairpersons | Rachel Henderson |
Treasurers | Belinda Newman & Robyn Hill |
Secretary | Louise Hyde |
Traditionally we hold 5-6 events each year. There is a mix of family events & those that are just for parents. Please see our calendar for this years schedule. In addition to events, we also fundraise by selling various items to our community such as Sunblock, Chocolates, School Hoodies, etc…
At the leavers BBQ every year, we present the year 6’s with a leavers T-shirt with all of their names printed on it. Plus a photo frame with a photo taken when they started at NPS as a wee 5 year old & a recent photo of their 11 year old self. This is always a big hit with students, teachers & parents.
We have great fun while we do all of this, a few wines, a lot of laughs & new friendships that make our years at Northcote Primary School so much more enjoyable both for us & our kids!
If you would like any information on FONS or would like to help in any way; please email
FONS Bank Account Number
If you wish to process an online payment into this account, here is our bank account number.
12 – 3053 – 0412555 – 00
Please include your child’s name and reference