Welcome to
Northcote Primary School

Our Vision
Together/Ngātahi – Aspire/Manawanui – Succeed/Tutukitanga
Welcome to our school website and thank you for taking the time to find out a bit about our pretty cool school. Northcote Primary School (NPS) was established on its site in 1918. In 2018 we opened a new two-level classroom block, office space, and a new admin building, and we also celebrated our centenary. Since then we have been making steady progress to refurbish and upgrade the remaining buildings that range in age from 1926 to 2018!
We have a very dedicated staff who show a real commitment to their work and our NPS children. We use an inquiry learning approach which provides real-life learning opportunities. Our number one priority is that all our staff and children are happy and enjoy coming to school each day. Without that the learning journey can be pretty challenging.
We are well supported by a hardworking and skilful Board who provide governance and support for us all. Our parent PTA, Friends of Northcote School (FONS), provide a huge amount of support, by developing a community focus that includes family activities and funding / promoting projects. There are some pretty fun activities organised by this hard working team for children and adults! We have extensive grounds, heated indoor pool, Tiger Turf playing surfaces / structures and trees that all add to the daily life at school. A lot of this is down to the support of our wider school community.
Feel free to contact the office and make a time to come in to meet us if you are not already a member of our school community.
Kind regards
Andy Brown